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Posted by gen13's peers - - 0 comments

KUALA LUMPUR: Matri of Perlis have been slapped with a suspension and fine for failing to turn up for a Malaysian Junior Hockey League (MJHL) Division Two Group A match against Bandar Penawar Sports School-Women High Performance Centre (BPSS-WHPC) at Taman Daya Stadium in Johor Baru on April 24.

The Malaysian Hockey Federation (MHF) assistant secretary, Hashim Mohd Yusoff, who chaired the technical committee meeting yesterday, said that the reason given by the school side for their absence was not acceptable.

The team manager, Shaari Awang, had said that the school principal did not allow them to travel to Johor Baru to play the match.

“We view the matter seriously and have decided to ban them from playing in the Under-19 league for one season. They will also be fined RM500,” said Hisham.

“Matri had two matches to play in the group and all the results of their matches played have been declared null and void.”

The MJHL league competitions in both Division One and Two will be completed this weekend. UniKL have already been crowned Division One champions.

Haish.. kesian la manusia hari ni.. semuanya dah tunggang terbalik..
yang ma'ruf dipandang mungkar.. yang mungkar dipandang ma'ruf..
btw, i'm proud with it.. Allah telah muliakan kita semua dengan Islam..
juga dengan fikrah ini.. Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah.. Alhamdulillah..
moga Allah sudi kekalkan kita di atas rahmat dan kasih sayangNya ini..

Rintihan Hamba

Ya Allah, kami tidak mampu untuk melaksanakan tanggungjawab yang Kau amanahkan kepada kami, melainkan dengan bantuanMu. Oleh itu, bantulah kami untuk melaksanakannya!

Ya Allah, kami tidak mampu memelihara diri kami dari terjerumus ke dalam kemaksiatan kepadaMu, melainkan dengan pemeliharaanMu. Oleh itu, peliharalah diri kami dari keterjerumusan itu!

Ya Allah, bantulah kami untuk benar-benar menjadi HAMBA-Mu!